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The SMRWC's mission is to work cooperatively on a variety of issues of common interest, including: joint purchasing, regional water master planning, sustainable supplies, common standards and specifications, etc.


The SMRWC purchasing program has been opened to non-members who pay a nominal enrollment fee. The bulk purchasing of chemicals has resulted in significant savings, particularly to smaller utilities. Tank maintenance contracting also resulted in significant savings over each utility issuing its own RFP.


The SMRWC created a mutual aid agreement among the members several years before the state created its Water and Wastewater Agency Response Network. Additionally, the member utilities have made or planned interconnections for the transfer of water if necessary, including protocols for the quantity and cost of exchanged water.


The Council was awarded a State planning grant to identify future water supply needs for  Southern Maine and develop action plans to assure long-term service to the region's customers.


Formation of the SMRWC also added to the political influence of the utilities in the state legislature. Together the seven member utilities represent nearly a third of the Maine's population and half of the state's public water customers.



Southern Maine Regional Water Council

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